inance has announced the launch of a new USD-M Mavia perpetual contract to provide traders with increased flexibility and exposure to the Mavia token. The perpetual contract will use Mavia as its underlying asset and utilize USDT for settlement purposes. With a maximum leverage of 50x, traders can amplify their positions to potentially boost returns. Funding fees will be settled every four hours to maintain transparency. 

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Binance Introduces Mavia 50x Perpetuals, Starknet Futures

Access to Starknet Trading Expands Across Binance Platforms 

Integration of Starknet on Binance platforms such as Simple Earn, Convert, and upcoming Futures contracts improve the accessibility of the token. The additions open up earning and trading opportunities for users through flexible products on Simple Earn and cost-free trading pairs on Convert. A USD-Starknet perpetual contract will also launch on Futures with key contract details. 

Benefits of the New Updates

The Mavia perpetual contract allows traders constant access through its 24/7 trading availability. A high leverage of 50x combined with regular funding fee updates gives flexibility to capitalize on market movements. Adding Starknet increases the variety of assets available and simplifies the process of participating in the Starknet economy and ecosystem. 

Continued Commitment to Users 

These moves underscore Binance's dedication to providing its growing user base with diverse options tailored to individual needs. From expanded contract offerings to the incorporation of emerging assets, Binance strives to meet the evolving demands of the crypto market. The new features cater to users worldwide through round-the-clock perpetual trading access and integration of popular assets across major Binance platforms.

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